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What 3 rounds of MMA can teach you

One of the things I love about watching MMA is that anything can happen in a fight.

I mean, a guy could be getting mauled and then can win the fight by one punch. Or a guy is losing in the first round, but after making some adjustments goes on to win the fight by decision.

In MMA, the fight ain’t over until it’s over. So in the meantime, whether you are winning or losing the fight, you have to keep fighting.

Now, what the hell does this have to do with us regular nerds?

Well, when we have a bad day, a bad month, or a bad decade, we can apply the same fighting philosophy. As long as we have air in our lungs, we can make some adjustments and have the rest of our lives be amazing.

It’s not over until it’s over.

Maybe some of you have been struggling for a long time and thinking of throwing in the towel. Well this is where Coach Bulcha comes in, icing your bruises, looking you dead in your eyes, and saying

‘You better knock him the F*ck out with your powerful and deadly right hand, this fight is going to be over for your opponent, he is comfortable and won’t see it coming.’

Then you proceed to do as Coach Bulcha says, win the fight and call out Conor McGregor in the process.

No matter how rough your situation is, you can still win. I know you feel this is unlikely, but let’s quickly talk in-game adjustments.

Say you hate your job, then start networking (remember to lay 5 bricks per day).

Say you have no love life, then start getting out into the world and meeting women (remember to lay bricks per day).

Say you have no social life, then find social hobbies to meet people and some more ladies.

Everything can be adjusted.

You just have to be willing to listen to the advice when you feel beat. Remember, you have everything you need to become more, you just have to execute.

And just like in the imaginary MMA fight I described, you’ll come out winning with that deadly right hand.

So don’t get caught up in the bad rounds of life, you have a lot more to give. And I’ll be in your corner shit-talking the opposition.

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